Friday, May 8, 2009

Transform Worry into Faith, Trust & Peace

The words found in the dictionary to define worry are; distressed, uneasy, concerned, anxious and troubled. Notice how these words make you feel in this moment. How much of your time and energy are immersed in these thoughts? Thoughts of worry can cause exhaustion and even sickness. Worry does not serve you or the person or situation involved.Take some time in these precious moments to ask the angels for help with any thoughts of worry you may have concerning work, relationships, money, sickness, children and the list goes on.

Steps to Release and Transform Worry
  1. Set your intention to release worry and to focus on developing more faith, trust and peace.
  2. Ask for help and pray to your guardian angels for divine intervention.
  3. Imagine or place your worries in a "God Box" and surrender them to God and the angels.
  4. Ask for divine intervention and divine resolution to occur.
  5. Focus on gratitude and visualize your desired outcome.

A powerful prayer to heal worry: "Dearest Guardian Angels come to me now. Please transform my worries into faith, trust and feelings of peace. I surrender and trust that you will take care of (state your desire) and bring it to divine resolution for the highest and greatest good of all, better than I could ever imagine. Please fill me with peace and strength and help me to focus my thoughts on a positive outcome. Thank you for this miracle and your loving support."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Calling on the Prosperity Angels

The angels are divine beings of light who love you unconditionally. They want to assist you in any and every way they can.

Some of you are struggling through financial issues right now and others of you might be fearing what could happen down the road. The angels want to help you so you can experience more peace, freedom and hope.

The first step is to spend some time with the angels and ask for their help. Here are a couple suggestions on how you can ask for help.

  • Ask them to help you receive the the money or support you need.
  • Ask for opportunities or inspiration to earn or receive more money.
  • Ask for the connections, education or to the resources you need heal your finances.
  • Ask for emotional peace and freedom to believe all is well.
  • Ask for help in surrendering and opening to receive your highest and best better than you could ever imagine.
You can pray to the prosperity angels in general or you can specifically call upon Abundantia the Goddess of success, prosperity, good fortune and increased abundance.

A powerful prayer would be:

"Angels of Prosperity and Abundantia, please help me to bring peace, balance and an increased flow of abundance into all aspects of my life, especially my finances. Help me to be open so I may receive whatever I need and more. I am open and willing to receive unexpected miracles, help and ideas of inspiration so I may experience financial freedom. Thank you for your loving support."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Discover Peace in any Moment

Blessings everyone,

In recent workshops and at our Fall retreat a strong message came through from higher guidance. I wanted to share this message with anyone who feels challenged right now. My hope is that you will discover that you have the power within you and all around you to find peace in any moment, no matter what you are faced with.

Pause for a moment and take a deep breath.

Now, reflect on a situation in your life that's upsetting you the most. It may be physical, emotional or financial or it could be related to a relationship or your job. Take a moment and notice what you are feeling in your body as you think about this.

Now, ask yourself, how much time and energy have I spent on this issue?

Are you ready to discover and create a feeling of peace? Then take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Am I OK in this moment, right here and right now?” Notice what you feel in your body when you answer this question.

The truth is, you can never not be OK. Even when you take your last breath, you will still be OK.

I watched Oprah the first week in January when she started the “Best Life” series. There was a woman on her show who invested everything into a new business and she felt hopeless thinking they were going to lose everything they worked for and dreamed of. Oprah stopped her as she continued to focus on everything that was wrong in her life and she asked her, “Are you still breathing?” The woman replied, “Yes” and then Oprah said, “Be grateful than and realize you’re still OK.

When you are not experiencing peace than most likely your thoughts are dwelling on something that happened in your past or you are focused on your future thoughts which might be saying "what if?"

You have the power within you to create peace in any moment no matter what the circumstances are. Just ask yourself the simple question, “Am I OK in this moment, right here and right now?”

If you feel lost and you cannot answer yes to this question, than call out and ask the angels for help. Ask them to surround you in a circle of light love and protection. Then pray (or plead if you need to) and ask them to help you feel peace.

You are never alone if you believe in spiritual family; angels, guides and loved ones in Spirit. Remember to ask for the courage, strength and the help you need to move forward in any challenge. Believe that everything is happening for a reason and seek to learn the lesson or find the blessing. Use your breath as a guide, it’s your Spirit and it can always guide you back into the present moment where the gift of peace is found. So remember to breathe.

Blessings, Karen Paolino

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